The Arsenal Files 3
The Arsenal Files 3.iso
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File List
458 lines
█████ HAM Radio
█████ Path: \HAMRADIO
AK31.ZIP [0] Amazing Kenwood version 3.1 - Kenwood HF Radi
| Supports most HF Rigs, may control four rigs
| has an external memory database, and many mor
AMEXPAND.ZIP [0] FCC AM broadcast expansion/reassignment
AMSAT260.ZIP [0] AmSat Bulletin #260 09/17/94
AMSAT267.ZIP [0] AmSat Bulletin #267 09/24/94
AMSAT274.ZIP [0] AmSat Bulletin #274 10/01/94
AMSAT288.ZIP [0] AmSat Bulletin #288 10/15/94
AMSAT294.ZIP [0] AmSat Bulletin #294 10/22/94
AMSAT302.ZIP [0] AmSat Bulletin #302 10/29/94
AMSAT310.ZIP [0] AmSat Bulletin #310 11/06/94
ANART827.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #827 09/18/94
ANART828.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #828 09/25/94
ANART831.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #831 10/16/94
ANART832.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #832 10/23/94
ANART833.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #833 10/30/94
ANART834.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #834 11/06/94
ANART835.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #835 11/13/94
ANART836.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #836 11/20/94
ANART837.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #837 11/27/94
ANART838.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #838 12/04/94
ANART839.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #839 12/11/94
ANART840.ZIP [0] ANART Bulletin #840 12/18/94
APRS62A.ZIP [0] Automatic Packet Report system V6.2a by WB4APR
ARLB073.ZIP [0] 09/19/94 - FCC callsign update
ARLB074.ZIP [0] 09/22/94 - A new FCC service
ARLB075.ZIP [0] 09/29/94 - FCC seeks action
ARLB076.ZIP [0] 09/30/94 - New ITU RadioCommunications
| Director
ARLB077.ZIP [0] 10/03/94 - Morse exemption denied
ARLB078.ZIP [0] 10/03/94 - Tech license renewals
ARLB079.ZIP [0] 10/10/94 - Congress resolution passes
ARLB080.ZIP [0] 10/13/94 - Hurrican Net activated
ARLB082.ZIP [0] 10/20/94 -
ARLB083.ZIP [0] 10/24/94 - Emergency Canceled
ARLB084.ZIP [0] 10/25/94 - FCC licensing changes
ARLB085.ZIP [0] 10/25/94 - FCC proposes reallocation
ARLB086.ZIP [0] 10/26/94 - FCC recip update
ARLB087.ZIP [0] 10/26/94 - Texas flood update
ARLB088.ZIP [0] 10/28/94 - Resolution becomes law
ARLB089.ZIP [0] 11/08/94 - Action on digital HF
ARLB090.ZIP [0] 11/10/94 - FCC set 2400 Mhz date
ARLB091.ZIP [0] 11/16/94 - Amateur to join Congress
ARLB092.ZIP [0] 11/18/94 - Election results
ARLB093.ZIP [0] 11/23/94 - SM election results
ARLB094.ZIP [0] 11/23/94 - FCC callsign update
ARLB095.ZIP [0] 12/06/94 - More FCC reorganization
ARLB096.ZIP [0] 12/16/94 - Two new astrohams
ARLB097.ZIP [0] 12/16/94 - Vanity Call update
ARLB098.ZIP [0] 12/16/94 - PRB-1 victory
ARLB099.ZIP [0] 12/20/94 - FCC callsign update
ARLB100.ZIP [0] 12/21/94 - Penalties for VE fraud
ARLB101.ZIP [0] 12/22/94 - 2400-Mhz comments filed
ARLD060.ZIP [0] 10/06/94 Committee vote results
ARLD061.ZIP [0] 10/06/94 DX News
ARLD062.ZIP [0] 10/13/94 DX News
ARLD063.ZIP [0] 10/20/94 DX News
ARLD064.ZIP [0] 10/27/94 DX News
ARLD065.ZIP [0] 11/03/94 DX News
ARLD066.ZIP [0] 11/11/94 DX News
ARLD067.ZIP [0] DXCC Update
ARLD068.ZIP [0] DXCC Update
ARLD069.ZIP [0] DXCC Update
ARLD070.ZIP [0] DX News
ARLD072.ZIP [0] 12/01/94 - DX News
ARLD073.ZIP [0] 12/06/94 - DXAC voting results
ARLD075.ZIP [0] 12/15/94 - DX News
ARLD076.ZIP [0] 12/22/94 - DX News
ARLD077.ZIP [0] 12/29/94 - DX News
ARLK001.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 01/07/95
ARLK041.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 09/20/94
ARLK042.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 09/24/94
ARLK043.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian bulletin 09/27/94
ARLK044.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 10/04/94
ARLK045.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 10/08/94
ARLK046.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 10/15/94
ARLK047.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 10/22/94
ARLK048.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 10/29/94
ARLK049.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 11/05/94
ARLK050.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 11/12/94
ARLK051.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 11/19/94
ARLK057.ZIP [0] ARRL Keplerian Bulletin 12/31/94
ARLP039.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 09/24/94
ARLP040.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 09/30/94
ARLP041.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 10/07/94
ARLP042.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 10/14/94
ARLP043.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 10/21/94
ARLP044.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 10/28/94
ARLP045.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 11/04/94
ARLP046.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 11/11/94
ARLP048.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 11/18/94
ARLP049.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 11/26/94
ARLP050.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 12/02/94
ARLP051.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 12/09/94
ARLP053.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 12/23/94
ARLP054.ZIP [0] ARRL Propagation Bulletin 12/30/94
ARLS001.ZIP [0] 01/04/95 - New Satellite planned
ARLS031.ZIP [0] 09/19/94 - SAREX additional day
ARLS032.ZIP [0] 10/03/94/94 - Listen to MIR beacon
ARLS033.ZIP [0] 10/24/94/94 - STS-66 PreLaunch Keps
ARLS034.ZIP [0] 11/06/94/94 - STS-66 Keps
ARLS035.ZIP [0] 12/27/94 - RS15 in Orbit
ARLX026.ZIP [0] 09/22/94 - A special ITU station
ARLX027.ZIP [0] 10/11/94 - EME operation cancelled
ARLX028.ZIP [0] 10/11/94 - Viedo award for CQ
ARLX029.ZIP [0] 10/13/94 - Boy Scouts on air
ARLX030.ZIP [0] 10/24/94 - Bill Leonard, W2SKE, SK
ARLX031.ZIP [0] 11/21/94 - Big dish details
ARLX032.ZIP [0] 12/09/94 - New 5760-Mhz record
ARLX033.ZIP [0] 12/12/94 - New 144-Mhz record
ARLX034.ZIP [0] 12/15/94 - Earthwinds update
ARLX035.ZIP [0] 12/16/94 - correction
ARLX036.ZIP [0] 12/20/94 - BSA Net/JOTA news
ARLX037.ZIP [0] 12/22/94 - JOTA date correction
ARN-0195.ZIP [0] AmateurRadio Net(sm) January 1995 Information
| Pack If you have any users interested in
| Amateur Radio, SWL, Scanners or Citizen Band
| this is the net for you!! We cover these
| topics and more. QWK & FTS(FIDO)
| distributions avail. Currently echoing in
| North America and Europe.
ARPD.ZIP [0] Amateur Radio Packet Door wide area beta
| release. Allows Land Line BBS SysOps to share
| their packet radio stations with BBS users.
| Installation, operation and maintenance are
| simple and straight forward. FreeWare from
ARRL1026.ZIP [0] ARRL Newsletter Vol 13 No 20 10/26/94
BARTG022.ZIP [0] BARTG Bulletin 022 October, 1994
BARTG023.ZIP [0] BARTG Bulletin 023 November, 1994
BARTG024.ZIP [0] BARTG Bulletin 024 December, 1994
BARTG025.ZIP [0] BARTG Bulletin 025 January, 1995
BUCK1094.ZIP [0] Update for 10/94 BuckMaster HamCall CD Rom
BUDAPEST.ZIP [0] Radio Budapest SWBC Sked Oct-Dec 1994
CALL.ZIP [0] UK Callbook on disk - shareware demo by G0LOV
| & G4LUE
CCATS130.ZIP [0] CountyCAT-Ham Radio database. V1.30 - Helpful
| utility for county hunters earing the first
| time around award. Shareware - $10
CLARINGT.ZIP [0] SCANTEXT Clarington. A frequency listing for
| the Municipal Town of Clarington (formerly
| Newcastle). Includes frequency assignments
| for police, ambulance, fire, government,
| media and others. Now includes the Durham
| Region information. Editor not needed, as it
| is in its own executable file.
DC200.ZIP [0] DC Circuits Training System v2.00 <ASP> (ESC)
| 13 exercises to help you learn or teach
| electricity or electronics. Features random
| problem generation, extensive graphics,
| context sensitive help, and instant scoring.
| Supports mouse, EGA and VGA graphics.
| Suitable for use in high school, college, and
| trade school. By C. E. Ormon. $29.00 single
| copy, site licenses available at reduced
| prices.
DENMARK.ZIP [0] Radio Denmark SWBC Sked Sept-94 to Mar-95
DIGI37.ZIP [0] Interlink/Digipeater Routing V3.7
DSPSND1.ZIP [0] Use DSP sound card for Digital Signal
| Processing
DTMF_D.ZIP [0] DTMF decoder dem for Soundblaster card
DXCCLIST.ZIP [0] ARRL DXCC countries list - updated 08/11/94
EXAM4A95.ZIP [0] Advanced class patch for Exam Generator
| version 2.0, 12-11-94. Amateur Radio Advanced
| class FCC question pool, including diagrams
| (EGA/VGA and Hercules), to be used for exams
| taken between 07-01-95 and 06-30-99. (To
| install, enter \EXAM directory and unzip with
| -d option.) Requires Exam Generator 2.0
| (EXAM20.ZIP) or higher. -AV by author,
| Affordable Computer Services. EXAM.EXE is
| shareware, $20 registration.
FIXAPRS.ZIP [0] Fix APRS v6.0 with proper directory structure
FK8.ZIP [0] FK8 DXpedition/QSL information 12/14 -
| 12/19/94
FT2500-1.ZIP [0] Misc Keyboard mods - KC5APJ
FT2500.ZIP [0] Extend Tx range - KC5APJ
GEOCLK60.ZIP [0] GEOCLOCK 6.0 sunlight clock for EGA, VGA. and
| SVGA. The current sun position is displayed,
| and the parts of the earth in sunlight and
| twilight are highlighted, with local
| sunrise/set and times around the world. 6.0
| adds an online Gazetteer and expanded HAM
| capabilities. Over 200 maps and a spinning
| globe are available.
GRIDSQ.ZIP [0] Maidenhead Grid Square Locator, by N5PCA.
| Converts latitude/longitude to grid square
| co-ordinates, and vise versa. FREE!
HAMFTZ.ZIP [0] HAMFTZ v.02 beta by HB9HFN vom 27.12.1994
| HAMFTZ, Ionospheric propagation predictions
HCJB.ZIP [0] HCJB - The Voice of the Andes - DX Partyline
HLOG225.ZIP [0] HyperLog V2.25 Logging Program
HTL1094.ZIP [0] Ham Tech Library Listing - Oct '94
ID_NA4A2.ZIP [0] ID-Logic AM/FM Simulator for windows
ID_SW4B1.ZIP [0] ID-Logic SW Simulator for windows
ID_WT4B5.ZIP [0] ID Logic World-Time Clock
IGISWB.ZIP [0] Internet Guide to Shortwave Broadcasters
INDIA.ZIP [0] All India Radio SWBC Sked 11/06/94 - 03/05/94
IRTS0911.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 09/11/94
IRTS0925.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 09/25/94
IRTS1002.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 10/02/94
IRTS1009.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 10/09/94
IRTS1016.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 10/16/94
IRTS1023.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 10/23/94
IRTS1030.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 10/30/94
IRTS1106.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 11/06/94
IRTS1127.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 12/27/94
IRTS1204.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 12/04/94
IRTS1207.ZIP [0] IRTS Bulletin 12/11/94
JIDX.ZIP [0] 1994 Japan International DX Phone Contest
| 11/11-13/94
JNOS110H.EXE [0] MS-DOS JNOS v1.10h executables
JNOS110H.ZIP [0] MS-DOS JNOS v1.10h source code
KOL.ZIP [0] KOL-Israeli shortware schedule
MA.ZIP [0] Morse Academy V5.2a
MB1801.ZIP [0] W0RLI Packet BBS V18.11
MOLDOVA.ZIP [0] Radio Moldova SWBC Winter '94
MONGOLIA.ZIP [0] Radio Ulaanbaatar SWBC Sked W94-95
MOPT118.ZIP [0] MSYS utility files for v1.18
MRI.ZIP [0] Monitor Radio International W-94 Shortwave
| Frequency Schedule
MS08.ZIP [0] MicroSat v0.08 for Unix - ren
| microsat-0.8.Xaw.tar.gz
MSCAN13N.ZIP [0] MICROSCAN v1.3 by PA3GPY vom 02-DEC-1994
| MSCAN 1.3 - The shareware version The SSTV &
| FAX program for the IBM-PC ! Supports
| receiving and transmitting in all popular
| SSTV & FAX modes, including martin and
| scottie modes. Monitoring of RTTY, TOR-FEC
| and NAVTEX included. Uses simple OPAMP
| (HAMCOMM/JVFAX) interface.
MSYS118.ZIP [0] MSYS packet bbs system v1.18
MSYSB118.ZIP [0] MSYS packet bbs v1.18 (BBS-ONLY)
NEWMOD22.ZIP [0] Update to the MODS Server #22
NEWS0102.ZIP [0] NewsLine #907 01/02/95
NEWS0918.ZIP [0] NewsLine #892 09/18/94
NEWS0930.ZIP [0] NewsLine #894 09/30/94
NEWS1007.ZIP [0] NewsLine #895 10/07/94
NEWS1014.ZIP [0] NewsLine #896 10/14/94
NEWS1020.ZIP [0] NewsLine #897 10/20/94
NEWS1106.ZIP [0] NewsLine #899 11/06/94
NEWS1111.ZIP [0] NewsLine #900 11/11/94
NEWS1118.ZIP [0] NewsLine #901 11/18/94
NEWS1205.ZIP [0] NewsLine 12/05/94
NEWS1210.ZIP [0] NewsLine #904 12/10/94
NEWS1223.ZIP [0] NewsLine #906 12/25/94
NHK.ZIP [0] NHK SWBC Sked Sept-94 ti Narcg-95
NTS2QX.ZIP [0] AA2QX NTS v1.0 formatter for bpq switch
OBS006.ZIP [0] Ansat Orbital Elements #006 01/06/95
OBS266.ZIP [0] AmSat Orbital Elements #266 09/23/94
OBS273.ZIP [0] AmSat Orbital Elements #273 09/30/94
OBS280.ZIP [0] AmSat Orbital Elements #280 10/07/94
OBS287.ZIP [0] AmSat Orbital Elements #287 10/14/94
OBS294.ZIP [0] Amsat Orbital Elements #294 10/21/94
OBS301.ZIP [0] AmSat Orbital Elements #301 10/28/94
OBS308.ZIP [0] Amsat Orbital Elements #308 11/04/94
OBS350.ZIP [0] Amsat Orbital Elements #350 12/16/94
OBS357.ZIP [0] Amsat Orbital Elements #357 12/23/94
OBS364.ZIP [0] Ansat Orbital Elements #364 12/30/94
OPDX175.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 09/19/94
OPDX176.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 09/26/94
OPDX177.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 10/03/94
OPDX178.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 10/10/94
OPDX179.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 10/17/94
OPDX180.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 10/24/94
OPDX181.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 11/07/94
OPDX182.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 11/14/94
OPDX183.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 11/21/94
OPDX184.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 11/28/94
OPDX185.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 12/05/94
OPDX186.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 12/12/94
OPDX187.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 12/19/94
OPDX188.ZIP [0] Oh/Pa DX Bulletin 01/02/94
OSHAWA.ZIP [0] SCANTEXT Oshawa. A file listing for the City
| of Oshawa. Includes police, ambulance, fire,
| plus others. Also includes area trunking
| systems. Now includes general information of
| the Durham Regional system. Now in an
| executable file, no editor or viewer needed.
PART97.ZIP [0] U.S. FCC Part 97 Rules and Regulations -
| updated 08/01/94
PFQ0918.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1016.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1030.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1106.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1113.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1120.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1127.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1204.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1211.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PFQ1218.ZIP [0] VK2PFQ President's address / WICEN News
PLUSV3D1.ZIP [0] KD7P LogPlus V3.03 Demo 1/2
PLUSV3D2.ZIP [0] KD7P LogPlus V3.03 Demo 2/2
POLSKIE.ZIP [0] Radio Polskie SWBC Sked Sept-94 to Mar-95
RAC1015.ZIP [0] RAC Spcl News Bulletin 10/15/94
RAC1115.ZIP [0] RAC Spcl News Bulletin 09-94 11/15/94
RAC1215.ZIP [0] RAC Spcl News Bulletin 10-94 12/15/94
RACES341.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #341 08/29/94 - OPS:
| Helicopter use
RACES342.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #342 09/05/94 - MISC: NIFC
| Boise
RACES343.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #343 09/12/94 - MGT: ACS/RACES
| Plans 1/3
RACES344.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #344 09/19/94 - MGT: ACS/RACES
| Plans 2/3
RACES345.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #345 09/26/94 - MGT: ACS/RACES
| Plan 3/3
RACES346.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #346 10/03/94 - MGT: Overview
RACES347.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #347 10/10/94 - MGT: RACES -
| Whats that ?
RACES348.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #348 10/17 94 - MGT: Radio
| Officer Category
RACES349.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #349 10/24/94 - OPS: Is It
| True What they say ?
RACES353.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #353 11/21/94 - OPS: We Wait,
| but no calls 3/4
RACES354.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #354 11/28/94 - OPS: We wait,
| but no calls 4/4
RACES355.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #355 12/05/94 - MIS:
| Volunteerism
RACES356.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #356 09/19/94 - OPS: Wildfire
| roles 1/2
RACES357.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #357 12/19/94 - OPS: Wildfire
| roles 2/2
RACES358.ZIP [0] RACES Bulletin #358 12/26/94 - OPS: Unit
| activities:
RFE.ZIP [0] Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Frequency
| schedule #128
RM.ZIP [0] Radio Manager V2.01 ICOM R-7000 controller
| for windows
RMOBS014.ZIP [0] Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #014
| October 1994
RMOBS015.ZIP [0] Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin #015
| November 1994
RNZI.ZIP [0] Radio New Zealand International frequency
| schedule
RSGB0101.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 01/01/95
RSGB0108.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 01/08/95
RSGB1002.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 10/02/94
RSGB1009.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 10/09/94
RSGB1016.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 10/16/94
RSGB1023.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 10/23/94
RSGB1030.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 10/30/94
RSGB1106.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 111/06/94
RSGB1113.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 11/13/94
RSGB1120.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 11/20/94
RSGB1204.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 12/04/94
RSGB1211.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 12/11/94
RSGB1218.ZIP [0] RSGB Bulletin 12/18/94
RTDX0106.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 01/06/95
RTDX0923.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 09/23/94
RTDX1007.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 10/07/94
RTDX1014.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 10/14/94
RTDX1021.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 10/21/94
RTDX1028.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 10/28/94
RTDX1104.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 11/04/94
RTDX1111.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 11/11/94
RTDX1118.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 11/18/94
RTDX1125.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 11/25/94
RTDX1202.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 12/02/94
RTDX1209.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 12/09/94
RTDX1216.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 12/16/94
RTDX1223.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 12/23/94
RTDX1230.ZIP [0] RTTY DX Bulletin 12/30/94
R_NORWAY.ZIP [0] Radio Norway SWBC Sked 09/26/94-03/25/95
R_PAPUA.ZIP [0] Radio Papua SWBC Sked
SCDX2208.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2208 09/20/94
SCDX2209.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2209 10/04/94
SCDX2210.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2210 10/18/94
SCDX2211.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2211 11/01/94
SCDX2212.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2212 11/15/94
SCDX2213.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2213 12/06/94
SCDX2214.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2214 12/20/94
SCDX2215.ZIP [0] Sweden Calling DX #2215
SM415.EXE [0] Super Morse v4.15 - Excellent Morse Code
| Study Program
SMWIN.ZIP [0] Smart R8 Control for Windows v2.00 Smart R8
| Control for Windows v2.00 is a powerful new
| Windows 3.1 control program for the Drake R8
| receiver. Now includes better logging and
| brand new Memory Mgmt. Windows v3.1, color
| VGA display required. Copyright (c) 1992-95
| FineWare
SPC0101.ZIP [0] Space News 01/01/95
SPC0109.ZIP [0] Space News 01/09/95
SPC0926.ZIP [0] Space News 09/26/94
SPC1003.ZIP [0] Space News 10/03/94
SPC1010.ZIP [0] Space News 10/07/94
SPC1017.ZIP [0] Space News 10/17/94
SPC1024.ZIP [0] Space News 10/24/94
SPC1031.ZIP [0] Space News 10/31/94
SPC1219.ZIP [0] Space News 12/19/94
SPC1226.ZIP [0] Space News 12/26/94
STARV600.ZIP [0] Domestic satellite location pgm v6.0 by KB8BMQ
STP.ZIP [0] Predict when satellite visible for qth
SWLIT112.ZIP [0] SWLOGit v1.12 The ONLY program shortwave
| listeners will EVER need. Options: QSL script
| writer: writes the QSL's for you, MUF
| Mapping, Sun Terminator, Import/Export files,
| Print, World clock, Many search options,
| VGA/EGA World Maps, Sun Rise/Set Times, and
| much more. Many more features, to many to
| list here. Much MORE to come.
TAPR916.ZIP [0] TAPR Bulletin 09/16/94
TN110EX1.ZIP [0] Tampa NOS Executables V1.1.0
TN110EX2.ZIP [0] Tampa NOS Executables V1.1.0 - small version
TNOS110B.ZIP [0] Tampa NOS Documents and Support files V1.1.0
TNOS110D.ZIP [0] Tampa NOS Documents ONLY V1.1.0
TNOS110S.ZIP [0] Tampa NOS Source Code V1.1.0
TURKEY.ZIP [0] Voice of Turkey SWBC Sked effective to
| 03/25/94
TVADEMO0.ZIP [0] TV Agent Demo v1.01 - customizable TV guide
| for 99 users. Remembers hilites and deletes
| for titles, types, and channels. Delete
| channels you don't subscribe to (and dull
| types or titles) so you don't have to read
| thru so many listings. Print listings
| matching previous hilites without looking.
| 130+ channels, MANY episode details, FRESH
| listings. Demo is fully functional but needs
| listings in TVADEMO1.ZIP or TVADEMO8.ZIP.
TWR.ZIP [0] TransWorld Radio SWBC Sked Sept-94 to Mar-95
UPD110H.ZIP [0] Source to update MS-DOS JNOS v1.10g to v1.10h
VERITAS.ZIP [0] Radio Veritas Asia SWBC Sked valid from 10/94
VK2-0918.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 09/18/94
VK2-0922.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN Events
VK2-0925.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 09/25/94
VK2-1002.ZIP [0] VK2 division news 10/02/94
VK2-1009.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 10/09/94
VK2-1016.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 10/16/94
VK2-1023.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 10/23/94
VK2-102A.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 10/02/94
VK2-1030.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 10/30/94
VK2-1106.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 11/06/94
VK2-1113.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 11/13/94
VK2-1120.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 11/20/94
VK2-1124.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN Events
VK2-1127.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 11/27/94
VK2-1204.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 12/04/94
VK2-1211.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 12/11/94
VK2-1218.ZIP [0] VK2 WICEN News 12/18/94
VO1AA.ZIP [0] VO1AA Commemorating 1st Transatlantic
| Wireless 12/12/94
WEWN.ZIP [0] Dec '94 Broadcast Schedule
WN940930.ZIP [0] Turbo C source WNOS940930 of KA9Q TCP/IP for P
WXFAX2_2.ZIP [0] Wx Facsimile Database v2.2
YNET010.ZIP [0] YouthNet Bulletin #010 10/09/94
YNET011.ZIP [0] YouthNet Bulletin #011 11/03/94
YNET012.ZIP [0] YouthNet Bulletin #012 12/ /94
ZL1-1113.ZIP [0] ZL1 Data News 11/13/94